Thursday, December 2, 2010

Knock Down the Virus with Your Penis

Friday, December 3, 2010
Publish by Chin Lee Chin

An online video game that allow the men to use their penises to “kill” the deadly disease in a boxing match by using a high-tech condom and a webcam was launched to match with the campaign of reminding the youth to prevent the spread of AIDS .

GERMANY- A Germany organization, Vergiss AIDS nicht has launched an online video game which is known as “Cock Out” on 1st December 2010, in conjunction with the World AIDS Day. The motive of “Cock Out” is to create awareness among the youth to stop the disease and promote condom usage.
According to Vergiss Aids nicht, younger generations do not have a correct concept about the danger of HIV disease and they are increasingly ignorant about the virus by having sex without wearing a condom.  Only 38 percent of young people in the range of 16 to 20-year-olds realize the effects of AIDS and the risk of HIV infection.
Video Game helps to Promote Anti-HIV
To encourage the males to use condom, the game will provide a digital condom for their players. After receiving the special digital condom in the mail, players are required to turn on their webcam, don the device, and use it to step into a virtual boxing ring and fight against the HIV virus. A proud cartoon that played as the penis character is needed to battle with a green-eyed cartoon which is playing the character as HIV that embodies the virus that causes AIDS.
“In addition to glory and honor, the player also gets lots of information on the themes of HIV and AIDS,” the statement said. The main idea and message that the organization wishes to convey will be easily implant into the mindset of the youth with the help of this multi-sensory learning process. The game provides fun interactive measures of protection to youth for a healthy living.

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