Thursday, December 2, 2010

Selina Ren of S.H.E injured

Friday, December 3, 2010
Publish by Seow Hoi Lyn

A Taiwan famous artist Selina Ren injured with an explosion incident during filming of  “I have a Date with Spring”.

Shanghai - Member of Taiwan's popular pop group S.H.E Selina Ren injured herself in an explosive accident in Shanghai during the shoot of her new drama “I Have a Date with Spring” on 22nd October 2010. Selina suffered third degree burns with 30-40% of her body damaged on her hands, legs, and back. She will be undergoing skin grafting treatment. Thankfully, it didn’t burn her face.
Selina is currently being monitored in the isolation ward.  “The doctors said Selina’s conditions are now stable.  She is clear-minded, and she can take in a small amount of food.”Her family and friends are not allowed to visit her because want to prevent emotional breakdowns which may slow down her recovery. She is under observation for any breathing problems. Selina may be transported back to Taiwan for treatment, depending on her condition and what is best for her.
Explosion during filming
According to HIM Records executive Derek Shih said the explosives went off early during a scene. The accident happened during 4PM. They rehearsed the scene six to seven times before actually filming it.  But, the explosives for the scene went off early, which caused the accident to occur.

Fans showed concerned about Selina's wedding plan in April next year, because it could take few months for burn injuries to recover. They hope Selina can recover from her injured soon. 

Selina’s father has thanked everyone, especially from the doctors, Selina’s managers and colleagues at the record company and to all the fans who have sent her best wishes. “It’s going to be a long road ahead.  I believe with family and friends’ love and support, Selina will be able to recover smoothly.  I would like to thank everyone again.  Thank all of you.”

Another actor Yu Haoming who’s involved in the filming he has suffered more serious burn as he was in front of Selina during the accident.

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